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Your Complete Source for Infrared Inspections and Thermal Imaging
To schedule an Infrared electrical survey call 845-641-5482
Before an electrical component fails, it heats up. Infrared thermography is used to perform P/PM inspections on electrical equipment because excess heat on electrical apparatus usually indicates a fault. Faults may inclued items such as loose connections, imbalanced circuits, defective breakers, damaged switches and switchgear, faulty fuses or fuse clips, overloaded circuits, poor workmanship, material defects and a range of other conditions will eventually lead to excess heat and component failure. Thermography is used to see the excess heat so that maintenance personnel can act to correct the a problem before the component fails preventing damage the component, increasing safety and minimizing production downtime.
Infrared Imaging Services is a division of Jersey Infrared Consultants and a member in good standing of the United Infrared Network. As a member, we receive support for our customers from industry experts with decades of combined experience. We are certified for BlockwallScanIR™, EnergyScanIR™ RoofScanIR™. ElectricIR™, and DataCentIR™. Call or use the Contact us page to discuss your commercial thermal imaging needs. We provide infrared electrical inspections as requested by your insurance company. We are Level III thermographers certified by the Infraspection Institute.