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Your Complete Source for Infrared Inspections and Thermal Imaging
Detect system overloads, loose defective components and damaged switchgear. Infrared electrical testing finds hot, dangerous problems quickly.
Infrared electrical inspections find hot spots caused by defects in connections and components. Infrared thermography is used to find areas of excess heat (caused by increased resistance) so that problems can be corrected before a component fails, causing damage to the component, creating safety hazards and productivity loss.
Because increased heating is a sign of failure, infrared is the best diagnostic tool available for finding these hot connections in the early stages of degeneration. This is why your insurance company may have asked for an electrical infrared inspection, to find and prevent problems before they cause damage to your personnel, equipment and facility.
Infrared Imaging Services performs Electrical infrared inspections in accordance with the Infraspection Standard for Infrared Inspection of Electrical Systems & Rotating Equipment.
This thermogram of an 800-amp switch with an internal connection problem overheating the bottom right wires.
This image shows heat generated from a loose connection on the top wire.
Increased resistance and heat are the primary reasons most electrical components fail. Infrared cameras detect this heat. Because most things electrical tend to get hot before they fail, Infrared inspection is the preferred diagnostic technology used to detect early failures in electrical systems and switchgear.
Georg Simon Ohm (16 March 1789 – 6 July 1854) was a German physicist who discovered there is direct proportionality between the voltage applied across a conductor and the resultant electric-current now known as “Ohm’s Law”. Ohm discovered that for a given current, as a component’s resistance increases it will dissipate more power and its temperature will rise.
In electrical systems, increased resistance can be caused by component age, fatigue, oxidation, wear, loose connections or poor installation.
This 20-amp circuit breaker has a loose wire screw. The loose connection has increased resistance causing it to get hot. Our high-resolution imager clearly shows the hottest area of the wire is by the screw head.
Infrared electrical inspections performed per NFPA and insurance company recommendations can detect and document incipient failures and should be combined with timely, effective repairs.
This video demonstrates how an electrical Infrared survey is performed.
This breaker panel shows several connections generating heat. These problems may be caused by loose wires, corroded connections or excessive current draw. An infrared electrical inspection can minimize injury, liability, damage, catastrophic failures and downtime. Few investments have the substantial ROI of an infrared electrical survey.
Before an electrical component burns up, it heats up. Infrared thermography is used to perform Pd/Pm inspections on electrical equipment because excess heat is usually the first sign of trouble on electrical (or mechanical) apparatus. Loose connections, imbalanced circuits, defective breakers, damaged switchgear, faulty fuses or fuse clips, overloaded circuits, poor workmanship, material defects and a range of other conditions will eventually lead to excess heat and component failure.
Defective Knuckles on disconnect switch overheating.
Defective fuse clip will cause circuit failure.
Infrared scanning of electrical components and systems should be part of any predictive maintenance program and performed on a routine basis per the National Fire Protection Association. The use of Infrared to detect the early indications of failure is prudent and cost effective. With infrared, preemptive action can be taken to minimize equipment breakdowns and safety hazards. This image shows overheated connections in a splice and a loose wire on a breaker.
The electrical distribution system is the foundation for every other system in a commercial building. An electrical system failure will cause communication, fire safety, security and other mechanical systems to fail as well. It might seem like overkill to go through the commissioning process, but a study on losses associated with electrical failure showed that over 50% of the 766 losses were caused by inadequate maintenance and testing. Fortunately, this company’s insurance underwriter insisted on an Infrared electrical inspection prior to issuing the policy. It’s a good thing they did. This image shows how thermal imaging detected a severely overheated connection which was not repaired properly and will eventually fail.
If you have a new or remodeled commercial building, or are installing, upgrading or maintaining your commercial power system, call us for a quality control electrical infrared scan of your site. Confirm you are getting what you paid for, the work has been done correctly and there are no hotspots on any of the components or connections.
The lower portion of the center vertical buss bar appears hot because it is wrapped in electrical tape which increases the emissivity of the bare copper making it possible to see the heat generated by the loose connections. Infrared thermography can quickly identify potential problems with breakers, inter connections, wire crimps, and loose or corroded connections. You can reduce unscheduled down time and catastrophic failures with an Infrared electrical survey.
An effective preventative maintenance strategy must include an infrared scan of all electrical, moving and rotating equipment!
A battery which is more resistive literally screams, “Replace me, I’m running hot!” For battery banks, an IR scan is a great way to perform a quality check of the entire “System” not just any one cell. We can see thermal abnormalities in each battery, connector, and terminal block. Every interconnect cable, distribution panel, and fuse can be checked! For preventative maintenance on electrical systems, it’s hard to beat the NON-CONTACT method of infrared!
Second image below: Shows an Oil Circuit Breaker at a utility substation; with infrared imaging it’s easy to see that there is something wrong here! In very little time, a well-trained thermographer can find these problems, allowing you to schedule the repair before unscheduled failure happens.
The cost of an IR scan is small in comparison to its benefits. Return on investment is very easy to justify! Contact Infrared Imaging Services to set up an infrared scan appointment at your facility.
Infrared image of an overheated loose connection on a transformer tap
Oil Circuit Breaker at a utility sub-station with hot internal connection
Infrared Imaging Services is a division of Jersey Infrared Consultants and a member in good standing of the United Infrared Network. As a member, we receive support for our customers from industry experts with decades of combined experience. We are certified for BlockwallScanIR™, EnergyScanIR™ RoofScanIR™. ElectricIR™, and DataCentIR™. Call or use the Contact us page to discuss your commercial thermal imaging needs. We provide infrared electrical inspections as requested by your insurance company. We are Level III thermographers certified by the Infraspection Institute.