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Your Complete Source for Infrared Inspections and Thermal Imaging
Recognizing the need for standardized procedures, Infraspection Institute began publishing guidelines for thermography in 1988. Since their initial publication, Infraspection Institute guidelines have been adopted by hundreds of companies worldwide and incorporated into documents published by recognized standards organizations such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Beginning in 2007, Infraspection Institute guidelines were updated and renamed as standards to reflect their industry-wide acceptance and the best practices they embody. Infrared Imaging Services LLC in strategic alliance with the Infraspection institute now offers these standards. Each Infraspection standard provides simple and straightforward procedures along with the requirements for properly documenting test results. Infraspection application standards provide a blueprint for both specifying and performing infrared inspections and are designed to be incorporated into contract documents. These documents are a ‘must-have’ for anyone who specifies, performs, or oversees infrared inspections. Eight comprehensive standards are available from Infraspection Institute. These documents cover equipment operation, temperature measurement, and specific thermographic applications. Infraspection standards are updated periodically to keep abreast of industry and technological changes. Standards may be purchased separately for $35 each or all eight for $200. Standards are available in English or Spanish.
Available standards and descriptions of each are as follows:
This comprehensive document outlines practices and procedures for specifying and safely performing infrared inspections of operating electrical systems and rotating equipment. This 17 page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. The standard also specifies report content for properly documenting qualitative and quantitative infrared inspections. Also covered in the standard are temperature limits for electrical and mechanical equipment along with several proven methodologies for prioritizing exceptions. The standard also includes the IEEE formula for calculating maximum allowable temperature for operating electrical components. This formula is invaluable for establishing pass/fail criteria for components not showing as exceptions.
This application standard outlines practices and procedures for specifying and safely performing infrared inspections of building envelopes to detect excess energy loss, latent moisture and structural details. This 11 page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. It also specifies report content for properly documenting qualitative and quantitative infrared inspections along with requirements for verifying infrared data.
This application standard outlines practices and procedures for specifying and safely performing infrared inspections of insulated roofing systems. The standard covers procedures for both ground based and aerial inspections. This 11 page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. It also specifies report content for properly documenting infrared inspections along with requirements for verifying infrared data.
This application standard outlines practices and procedures for specifying and safely performing infrared inspections of to detect pests and pest related damage. The standard covers procedures for both ground based and aerial inspections. This 10 page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. It also specifies report content for properly documenting infrared inspections along with requirements for verifying infrared data.
This 6 page standard outlines simple, proven techniques for measuring and compensating for reflected temperature, also known as ambient or background temperature. This standard offers simple, step-by-step instructions that are easy to understand and may be applied in laboratory or industrial environments. This document is a must for anyone wishing to get the most from their radiometric imager and make accurate infrared temperature measurements.
This 6 page standard outlines simple, proven techniques for measuring and compensating for emittance of any object. This standard offers simple, step-by-step instructions that are easy to understand and may be applied in laboratory or industrial environments. This document is a must for anyone wishing to get the most from their radiometric imager and make accurate infrared temperature measurements.
This 6 page standard outlines simple, proven techniques for measuring and compensating for transmittance values of windows, filters or atmospheres. This standard offers simple, step-by-step instructions that are easy to understand and may be applied in laboratory or industrial environments. This document is a must for anyone wishing to get the most from their radiometric imager and make accurate infrared temperature measurements.
This standard outlines a simple methodology for determining spot measurement size for quantitative thermal imagers. Practicing thermographers need spot size information to determine how close they need to be for accurate temperature measurements. Although spot measurement size is a critical imager specification, meaningful spot size information is not provided by manufacturers of imaging radiometers. This standard enables one to accurately determine an imager’s Distance to Spot Size Ratio. This 7 page document is a must for taking the guesswork out of your quantitative measurements and helping to ensure temperature measurement accuracy.
Available in English or Spanish in PDF format for $350 USD
Don’t be left out! To order your copies of the infrared industry’s most comprehensive standards from the company that wrote the book on thermography, visit the Infraspection Store.
This application standard outlines practices and procedures for specifying and safely performing infrared inspections of installed photovoltaic (PV) systems. The standard covers procedures for both ground based and aerial inspections. This 10 page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. It also specifies report content for properly documenting infrared inspections along with requirements for verifying infrared data.
This comprehensive document outlines practices and procedures for specifying and safely performing infrared inspections of the hulls of recreational yachts and small craft constructed of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) or marine composite materials. This 18 page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. In addition to infrared equipment requirements, the standard covers both active and passive thermographic techniques and procedures to detect structural details, hidden damage, construction defects, and latent liquid accumulation. It also specifies report content for properly documenting infrared inspections along with requirements for verifying infrared data.
This application standard outlines practices and procedures for conducting infrared thermal imaging of horses. The standard covers procedures for thermal imaging of horse bodies and as an aid to saddle fitting. This 11page document defines the roles of all persons involved in the inspection including the End User, Thermographer, and Qualified Assistant. It also specifies report content for properly documenting infrared inspections along with requirements for interpreting infrared data
Infrared Imaging Services is a division of Jersey Infrared Consultants and a member in good standing of the United Infrared Network. As a member, we receive support for our customers from industry experts with decades of combined experience. We are certified for BlockwallScanIR™, EnergyScanIR™ RoofScanIR™. ElectricIR™, and DataCentIR™. Call or use the Contact us page to discuss your commercial thermal imaging needs. We provide infrared electrical inspections as requested by your insurance company. We are Level III thermographers certified by the Infraspection Institute.